10 June, 2011


Getting RECONDO at LDAC is significant. It is something you can specifically prepare for ahead of time that will set you above your fellow cadets. What does RECONDO entail? The first and, for many, most difficult aspect of RECONDO is the LDAC PT test. The grading at LDAC is likely much harder than any college and most cadets can expect to score significantly fewer pushups than they usually get. RECONDO requires that you get 90 points or more on each portion of the PT test for a total score greater than 270. The second hurdle is to score 80% or better on each portion of the land navigation test. That means a 16/20 on the written test, 6/8 on the daytime land navigation course, and 4/5 points in the nighttime land navigation course. Throughout LDAC, RECONDO cadets must not get an overall N on any STX lane or any overall dimensional Ns. Note that it is possible to get an N or two on an evaluation and still get RECONDO. Finally, many people forget that cadets will lose RECONDO if they have any failures to train. This means no falling out of marches; no refusals to do any of the training; and on all of the tested medical events, obstacle course, etc, there is only one retry. It may sound difficult or even impossible to get RECONDO but it is achievable and the extra half point on the OML is worth it when the accessions process is completed!

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