10 June, 2011

Accessions Process

The whole branching process and how cadets are chosen for a particular branch is complicated. No worries, you will go over it twice; once before and once after LDAC. According to the 2011 ROTC accessions OML model; 40% of a cadet's OML score came from cumulative GPA, 4% from on campus physical fitness, and 1.5% from extracurriculars. That leaves nearly 55% of the OML to be calculated from junior year performance alone. About 32% will come from performance at LDAC and around 23% will come from your leadership performance at school. What is important to know is that the top 10% of cadets are given their first branch choice. Make sure you are in that 10%! Being in the top 20% will probably get you your first branch choice by using what is called an ADSO, Additional Service Obligation. You will have to apply for it and, assuming you get it, will commit an additional two years to the Army in exchange for getting your first branch choice. If Aviation is what you really want this option may be your golden ticket. Additionally, when you are at LDAC try very hard to qualify for RECONDO. Getting RECONDO adds half a point to your overall OML and can move you anywhere from 50 to 200 places on the OML which may make the difference between Aviation or not. Also, you don't have quite as much control over it, but being in the top 5 in your platoon will add an additional full point to the OML. Getting both RECONDO and top five will set you well on your way to Aviation!

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